heyo can you help me out with the honorifics muse uses for each other? its so confusing when its different in the anime, sif, sid and manga


I totally understand hhhhhhhhhhhhh honorifics and nicknames are a BEAST in Love Live, tho I’m only doing the anime, SIF and SID/SID Manga bc those are the medias I’m more familiar with.


Note: Nico uses “-chan” on Maki for a grand total of one (1) time in the first season and in SIF, she uses a mix of both (with in the main story and without in the side stories it seems). I put the anime and SIF together bc IMO these two are the closest to each other in terms of personalities and I take the SIF materials as supplements to the anime.

Pre-μ’s: before joining/before fully formed 9 members μ’s

SID/SID manga:


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